Theaterwissenschaft München



Präsentation des ERC-Projekts „Developing Theatre: Building Expert Networks for Theatre in Emerging Countries after 1945”


Christopher Balme, Nic Leonhardt, Gautam Chakrabarti und Rebecca Sturm präsentieren das neue Forschungsprojekt des ERC (European Research Council)

"Developing Theatre: Building Expert Networks for Theatre in Emerging Countries after 1945"


Zeit: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017, 12.00 s.t. bis 14.00 Uhr

Ort: Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Georgenstraße 11, Raum 109

Website des Forschungsprojekts (online ab 18.01.2017)

This research project proposes a fundamental re-examination of the historiography of theatre in emerging countries after 1945. It investigates the institutional factors that led to the emergence of professional theatre in the post-war period throughout the decolonizing world. The particular focus will be on the massive involvement of internationally coordinated 'development' and 'modernization' programs both East and West. The project will introduce the concepts of epistemic community, expert networks and techno-politics to theatre historical research as a means to historicize theatre within transnational and transcultural paradigms and examine its imbrication in globalization processes.

The main objectives of this project are to:
• examine how a global 'epistemic community' centred around theatre emerged in the post-war period;

• investigate how 'expert networks' composed of government bodies, private foundations, transnational corporate philanthropy, local elites and individual artists sought to institutionalize particular forms and practices of professional theatre as an interconnected, transnational phenomenon;

• develop a new interdisciplinary approach to theatre historiography by focusing on institutional structures, path dependencies and transnational imbrications rather than on works and authors.

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen des TWM Forschungskolloquiums

Informationen zum ERC Advanced Grant für das Forschungsprojekt von Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme
