Gastvortrag von Frau Dr. Azadeh Ganjeh (TWM Forschungskolloquium)
"Presence on Stage. Producing social agency through performance"
Herzliche Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Frau Dr. Azadeh Ganjeh
Presence on Stage. Producing social agency through performance in Iran
Zeit: 13. Juli 2022, 12.00 c.t. bis ca. 13.45 Uhr
Ort: LMU-Hauptgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Hörsaal M 109
Eine Veranstaltung des TWM-Forschungskolloquiums, im Rahmen des BA-Moduls "Forschungseinblicke"
With application of modernisation in Iran, art distanced itself from being a court commodity and functioned as a widespread phenomenon available to the Public. Although this modernisation was accompanied by modern governance structures and “Nation-State” but did not necessarily gave rise to equal reasoning and freedom of social and individual action. Theater in Iran has been ruled and controlled by state. State policies in Culture not only determined the concepts of performances on stage but also the eligibility of performers. Therefore being present on stage and having agency was limited by political constraints, since the notion of agency is defined by the individual choice, freedom and intentionality. These constraints have been most perceived in public spaces and in artistic disciplines that creation is able to immediately reach Polis and even give agency to its audience through participation. However activists, theatermakers and some marginalised groups of soceity tried to reclaim their agency through public performances and their bodily presence on stage. This lecture is an effort to find out how these groups benefited from aesthetics of performance to produce social agency.
Azadeh Ganjeh - born 1983 in Tehran (Iran) - is an Assistant Professor in school of performing arts-University of Tehran. She is also a Playwright, Performance Artist and Theatre Director. Her special interest in theater for development, Activism and Social Theater lead to achieving national and international prizes for her site-specific and immersive theater Productions. Her research interest is focused on Cultural Mobility theory, Theatre for Development and Democracy, Performativity of public events and Activism in Art and Digital Theatre. After receiving her BA in Civil Engineering, She earned a Theatre directing M.A degree from Tehran Art University and Graduated as a Dr. in philosophy from Bern University. Since April 2022 she is in an affiliation with the University of Hildesheim - institute of media, theater and popular culture - as a research fellow.