Theaterwissenschaft München


Dupré, Johanna

Johanna Dupré, M.A.

DFG-Koselleck-Projekt "Global Theatre Histories"


Raum: Zi. 204 / 2. OG, Georgenstr. 11
Telefon: 089 2180-5941

nach Vereinbarung


Born in 1982, Johanna Dupré studied Theatre Sciences, Comparative Literature and English at Johannes Gutenberg-University, from which she graduated in 2008. From August 2004 until May 2005 she studied at the University of Memphis, Tennessee, as a participant oft the exchange program „m3 + zdf“ and with grants by Fulbright and the DAAD. From February until May 2007, she spent time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to do research for her master’s thesis. Her research interests are Latin American theatre, cultural history, transnationalism, performativity and visuality.

Johanna Dupré has succesfully completed a journalistic trainee program (Volontariat, 2009 - 2011) at Verlagsgruppe Rhein Main, a Mainz-based  publishing house, and has been working as culture journalist for the daily newspapers Wiesbadener Kurier and Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz since 2011.