Theaterwissenschaft München



Gastvortrag von Rashna Darius Nicholson (TWM Forschungskolloquium)

"Cultural Development, ‘Helping Hands’ and the Internationalization of Postcolonial Indian Theatre"


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Rashna Darius Nicholson

"Cultural Development, 'Helping Hands' and the Internationalization of Postcolonial Indian Theatre"

im Rahmen des TWM Forschungskolloquiums

Zeit: Mittwoch, 8.1.2020, 12.00 c.t. - 14.00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Georgenstr. 11, Raum 109

This paper focuses on the role of the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations in India’s cultural development in the latter half of the twentieth century. It delineates how American foundations used India as a ‘guinea pig’ for developing a global model of cultural development between the 1960s and 90s that was subsequently replicated by Scandinavian developmental agencies, German Stiftungen, and the EU. By demonstrating how Ford and Rockefeller established a presence in the Indian cultural sector, consolidated its position and subsequently fundamentally altered its cultural landscape, the paper complicates dominant understandings of the history of theatre in the ‘Global South’ and the development of Performance Studies as an academic discipline.

Rashna Darius Nicholson is currently Assistant Professor at the School of English, The University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKU she held a research fellowship at the ERC-Project “Developing Theatre”, LMU Munich. Her research and teaching specializations include nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first century theatre history, historiography and practice; postcolonial and world literature and cultural development. She specializes in South Asian and Palestinian theatre. Her current work focuses on the impact of foreign funding on theatre in the Global South during and after the Cold War.
