Theaterwissenschaft München



Theatre Migrants 1850-1918 – Motivations, Trajectories, Impacts

International Conference organised by Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll

29.03.2022 – 31.03.2022

Theatre Migrants 1850-1918 – Motivations, Trajectories, Impacts

Date: 29 to 31 March, 2022

International Conference organised by Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll
(CAS Young Center, ERC-Project T-MIGRANTS)


With the advent of steamships and railways, the phenomenon of mobility, and especially the phenomenon of emigration, took on a new dimension in the nineteenth century. In Europe, intra-European migration and emigration overseas proceeded side by side: millions of Europeans left their homelands and moved to foreign countries and continents. Many people from the theatre business were involved in this process. Their emigration was usually difficult, involved deprivation and triggered xenophobia, but at the same time it increased the potential for creativity and led to major institutional and aesthetical transformations.
In this conference we are looking for nuanced investigations of the motivations and experiences of European theatre migrants, we reconstruct their routes and connections across geographic and cultural borders and ask for the impacts their emigrations had for the theatre (business) of the time.


Conference Programme (PDF)

Conference Poster (PDF)

Conference poster